
Dropped Object Survey

Tubestar is a member of the DROPS forum and supports the aims and objectives of the UK's Dropped Objects Prevention Scheme (DROPS). Dropped Object Surveys and Inspections are a key element of dropped object control and prevention management systems.

Tubestar can help prevent a potential dropped object becoming another unwelcome safety statistic by conducting detailed dropped object survey of hazardous areas. We are all committed to preventing harm to personnel and damage to equipment from dropped objects. Tubestar provides qualified inspectors to conduct a thorough dropped object survey of the derrick and other areas as required.

All the areas which are to be inspected are divided under different zones and are surveyed as per Client's dropped object policy. All the findings are recorded in the report with photographic evidence and corrective actions for the same. Report is divided in to two parts, one is the Inspection Survey which includes all observations and another is the Failed Items list which covers the items which failed in the survey.

Generally Survey tasks are:

  • Document equipment location by Inspection Area
  • Photograph each item surveyed
  • Include unique identification number to each item (tag numbers)
  • Describe each item surveyed
  • Inspect and document Primary Securing method(s)
  • Inspect and document Secondary Retention method(s)
  • Record equipment condition as Pass or Fail, including comments (ie Satisfactory or Reason for Failure)
  • Record inspection frequency (ie weekly, monthly) as recorded in the Equipment Family Inspection Criteria
  • Generate a Failed Items List

Dropped objects pose a significant threat to personal safety; they also have the potential to cause damage to structures, plant and equipment leading to loss of containment and consequential release to the environment.